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Added: March 22, 2019
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Trying to find out what the DNA connection is with Anna Kallman. She directed me to your website.
Thank you
64 years old
Lived in Hawaii for 44 years
Family names: Johnson, Jacques, Jeansonne, Michaely, Enzer, Peltier, and many more

Added: October 3, 2018
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Added: December 28, 2013
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I was so happy that you Al, find me. It is very exiting to follow thise site. Did know because of Leif Wahl that we had some relatives in the USA, but not more.

I will trye to scan som photos of my grandmother Jonette (Janne) and other in mine family to send to you.
Randi :D :D

Added: January 24, 2011
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This is so awesome to have a family website and visuals! It's incredible to see the family likenesses in the faces throughout the generations!

Added: January 21, 2011
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Many thanks to Alan, Sigrid Stene Hartwig's grandson, for
bringing us face to face with our relatives in Norway and Sweden; and thanks to all of you who have provided pictures and information that made this page possible. I know that all of our grandmothers would be happy that family connections have been restored in a way that was not possible when Helen and Ole emigrated from their native land. I am so greatful to be reconnected with Gramma Hartwig's family.

Added: January 21, 2011
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It is the greatest thing ever to become aware of relatives so very far away. I kind of knew that you were out there somewhere but the reality is astounding to me. I see family resemblence in some of those very old pictures. Way to go Al! We are all so blessed.

Added: January 20, 2011
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I am pleased to welcome my new found family members in Norway and Sweden! :)

Added: January 19, 2011
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